Who am I?

Hey, you! I am bstech_. My "full" name is Bora "bstech_" S., and I am 26 years old as of 2025.
Electronics, programming, and chemistry are my hobbies. Due to my learning style, all of my hobbies are dominated by reverse engineering. So I am a reverse engineer.
I work as a freelancer now. Despite being anxious and depressed, I am open to working in a startup or a company.

What does "bstech" mean?

It is obvious: First letters of my name and surname + "tech". I am so creative, right?
Similarly, my projects have a naming convention that is "bs"+<insert what is the project about without spaces>. For example, if I were going to create a tool that recovers your files, it would be called bsfilerecovery.
I know it looks awful but I am bad at naming things.

People sometimes take "bs" for "bullshit", but as you may know now, it is not correct. However, I usually create and forget my projects, therefore they look bullshit. Those people got a point then?

What about the underscore at the end?

It is to cope with the annoying "this username is already used"s.


I started interested in electronics in 2003 (2002 according to my mom). It all started with a birthday gift that looked like a lego set and a giant breadboard but with components and wires (it was a learning kit for electronics). Things were like magic to me.
One day, I was trying to copy an example in the book that was also in the gift. What I did in a nutshell is: connect some cylinders with 2 ropes, some semi-cylinders with 3 ropes, some bone-shaped brown-orange-pink things, and some glowing transparent cylinders in an order then connect that abomination to a 9v battery, and hell yeah those glowing cylinders will glow and dim periodically.

How fascinating right? I had no idea I had built an S-R flip-flop with 2 transistors, 2 capacitors, 4 resistors, and 2 LEDs back then. Come on, I was 4.
What is independent of my age is that I always wondered how things do things, thus I have always broke or disassembled my toys to see what black magic is inside. My mom was never happy with this idea.
After all, no one -including me- knew I was reverse engineering my toys to understand how they work. This is how I have learned electronics myself - by doing this all the time.

When it was 2008, we got our first PC. A typical home PC with 2GB RAM, MSI Radeon X1550 GPU, and everyone's favorite OS — the damn Windows Vista. We got frequent BSoDs on that poor thing.
As usual, I got interested in how PCs work this time. There were so many to explore... How does this work? How does that work? How does it know time? Oh... With my "then electronics knowledge", I was trying to connect the dots.
Then I got more interested in the software side. How does X work? How does Y work? What is inside an EXE or a DLL file? What do those files do in the System32 folder? With the same learning style I used in electronics, I have self-learned the "basics" of OS.

During my learning stage, when I was FAFOing in PowerPoint 2007, I found something in its settings that says "enable macros"-something (trust center macro settings). I turned it on, and a new "Developer" tab appeared on the ribbon menu. There was a button called "Visual Basic". I clicked it without knowing that I was stepping into software development. I could create "window"s in PowerPoint slides which I designed in VBA design mode. I could also add buttons on those windows to display message boxes.
With a spark of excitement, I searched "visual basic" on the internet to learn more, and found something called "Visual Basic Express". I instantly noticed that it could create EXEs and DLLs. Finally, I knew how "those files in the System32 folder were created". LOL, I was absolutely clueless. Lil bro had no idea they were written in a different language.

Now today, I know so many things, because I never stopped wondering and learning. No one around me has taught me anything since they didn't know these in general. I was, and still am, the repairman and the PC guy in our house.
In this long journey, one can guess that I have also self-learned the English language. I had no other choice — there weren't enough resources in my native language back then. I had to find words one by one in a dictionary to connect some dots I was wondering.

Hey, wait! What about my third hobby — chemistry? Uhm, I had memorized the entire periodic table. Not many interesting things here. Trust me.

How to contact me?

By doing a secret satanic ritual. I will appear behind you.

Jokes aside, I don't use "share-all-your-life"-based social media — I use Discord (always), Reddit (often), and LinkedIn (once in a century). Why didn't I link them here is because I didn't feel the need. You can find them easily, even you can find my old empty Instagram account.

You can contact me via Discord or Reddit if you know my username.

Bora S.
Born1999; Ankara, Turkey
DiedMentally, with the following causes1:
  • Rise of social media
  • Skibidi generation
  • Hypocrats
  • Falling in love with a weirdo
OccupationReverse engineer, daydreamer, bassist and actor (a long time ago)
AwardsNot found
Personal awards
  • Never smoked, never drunk, and never done drugs
  • Getting the lowest mark in math exams: 10 out of 100 (2016)
  • Being rejected in the weirdest way possible (2022)
  • Being a Half-Life 2 veteran
Also known asbstech_, "A. Boral Sailovich" 2
Speaking languages
  • Turkish
  • English (self-taught)
  • Russian (chut-chut)
  • A tiny bit of Polish
  • Trace amount of Czech
Programming languages 3
  • Visual Basic (2008)
  • C# (2010)
  • Javascript (2013)
  • PHP (2013)
  • C++ (2015)
  • C (2015)
  • x86 Assembly (2016)
  • Python (2021)
  • Typescript (2022)
  • Lua (2024)
Notes 1 : Sorted from least to most damage taken

2 : Fake name used in online communities and some real life groups in before. I wasn't comfortable with revealing my real name for a few personal reasons. Maybe that still applies?

3 : Sorted in years of when started learning.